This year has been a BIG challenge - I spent all day today decorating the house, I even put lights outside this year along with my tigger... I let Keira & Eidan decorate the tree, I put it up and put the lights on it, I showed them ones that they had to be extra careful as they were my Momma's that she had when I was even younger than they are now. They pulled out 2 bulbs that were for "the greatest grandpa" & "greatest grandma" from 1986 that the boys had gotton Momma & Daddy, they asked if it were okay if they put them on the tree, Keira put them where I can see them, they bring back memories, as do the ones that Momma had from even before I was born - Since Frannie is not going to be with us for Christmas, we're doing a Christmas dinner on the 12th. It's kind of bittersweet seeing everything, Momma always did the ceramic houses/ people so that was hard for me today, and yes, I'll admit I cried.
I will put some of the pics, not all as I have so many - lol...